How to backup and restore more than 1 volume group


Could someone tell me if I have this correct.

If I have 2 volume groups rootvg and datavg and wish to back these up to 21 tape how do I accomplish this.

I am currently using

mksysb /dev/rmt0.1 -V
savevg -f /dev/rmt0 datavg

I think this may be overwriting the rootvg however as when I do:

restvg -l -f /dev/rmt0

I get

VOLUME GROUP:           datavg
BACKUP DATE/TIME:       Thu Nov 27 12:32:46 NZST 2008
UNAME INFO:             AIX WBSTEST 2 5 00C557D24C00
BACKUP SIZE (MB):       6656
SHRINK SIZE (MB):       709
VG DATA ONLY:           no

LV NAME             TYPE       LPs   PPs   PVs  LV STATE      MOUNT POINT
loglv00             jfslog     1     1     1    closed/syncd  N/A
lv00                jfs        4     4     1    open/syncd    /u1
lv01                jfs        2     2     1    open/syncd    /u2
lv02                jfs        2     2     1    open/syncd    /uda
loglv01             jfslog     1     1     1    open/syncd    N/A

what is the best way to backup root and my data to one tape.
Also if any wants to contribute any useful backup scripts for aix that would be good too in case I miss something else, like error checking.


I don't know if it is overwritten, but just to risk it grows and at some time it will be uncomplete I would go for 2 tapes.
Or set up a NIM server and do remote mksysb and save everything else with some networking backup tool or OS tools to a remote box. Or get a DVD writer maybe... there are lot's of possibilities.

i guess for the second backup session, if you want to have it on the same tape, you should use non-rewind device.

Backup rootvg using mksysb

then do a new backup using savevg or backup to diffrent tapes
never try to mix your backups