How to add notes at the end of shell script

i was wondering how to add a notes section for the user to enter in a shell script, as my shell script is a menu based on configurations of hardware and software

help is appreciated

You can add notes by using "echo" command.

If it is not, pls give an example...that would be helpful

thanks but ive already done that to display messages on the screen, im looking for an option for the user to run my script and then add notes to it such as like a text box

for example

user has a menu

1.machine info info info

once the user has chosen the option the results are given and then if possible given a text box to enter notes

In my understanding of the problem, the following script could be one possible solution.

cat sel.lsh

PS3="Select an option from the menu:"
select OPT in Create Delete Add
 print $OPT selected
 print "Enter your comments : \c"
 read Text
 print "You Entered :$Text "

Please let us know if this helps.

Nagarajan Ganesan

printf "%s\n" "Enter notes and press ^D to finish"
notes=$( cat )
printf "%s\n" "$notes" >> FILENAME