how to add blank spaces at the end of every record in a file.


Does anyone has any idea in adding few blank spaces at the end of every record in a file.



Baby Boy Kim 1234
Baby Boy Vik 1334

Desired output:-


Baby Boy Kim 1234
Baby Boy Vik 1334

I want to add 10 blank spaces at the end every record in file.txt


>gawk '{print $0"          ~"}' file.txt
Baby Boy Kim 1234          ~
Baby Boy Vik 1334          ~

Note that I put a ~ as the 11th character to make it easier to see what happened. Simply do not use this and you will have 10 spaces at end of each line.

sed -i 's/[ ]*$/          /' file.txt

If the line already have a space at end it will replace it with 10 spaces

sed 's/$/          /' file.txt > output.txt