how to add ; at the end of last line

i have file which is having large sql query
eg :

i am executing this sql file but now i want to add ; after query on same line
i.e. i should look like

any idea how to achieve it ?

I am really not sure what you are asking. Could you provide a bit more detail, such as a few lines from the current file (or mock ups), and what you want them to look like ?

just wanted to add ; at end of last line !

is it possible via shell script?


sed '$s $ ; ' infile > _tmp_ && mv _tmp_ infile

Some sed implementations support in-place editing with the -i switch:

sed -i '$s $ ; ' infile

And, of course, you can use Perl:

perl -i.orig -pe's/$/;/ if eof' infile

ohk good...does it replaces EOF with ; ?
does it means EOF does not exists in updated file ...then i cant read it right ?

Just run the commands and check the file content.

echo "select * from tab" |awk '{print $0";"}'