how to activate USB mouse


I am using Linux for a while and now changed to slackware for my study and it is not as good as redhat everytime when you add this or that it needs either configure modules or recompile kernel

Now I changed from PS/2 mouse to USB trouble starts it refuse to work I know I can re_install the system but before I do that I just want to ask if there is another way to do that I am using slackware 9.0?

Thanks in advance

install the drivers for the mouse. generally there is no need for a mouse if you are not running X. so, if you are running x what desktop or window manager are you using? slackware may have a gui program, or an ncurses based program to help you configure all this stuff.

What kind of mouse do you have?

I ran Slack 9 for a little bit on my laptop. Do you have the USB and hotplug modules installed? If I am not mistaken, its an option that is available when you do the initial install. But can be installed after an install by using pkgtool (Should look rather similar to the initial install screens)

When you plug the mouse in, what kind of response do you get from /var/log/messages? Try doing a "tail -f /var/log/messages" and then plug the mouse in. See what kind of error messages get displayed and then we can work from there.

On a different note ...

Please keep in mind that Slackware is not intended to be a Red Hat or a Mandrake Linux. It's a more traditional pure Linux that keeps the configuration at its roots in the config files and does not use all fancy menu config and X windows crap. (Sorry, I am biased) You said you wanted to learn, so here ya go, its your first challenge. Go for it. Reinstalling is like admitting failure. Linux is very flexible and a lot can be done and fixed, or reconfigured, or added to it, without it needing to be reinstalled.

thanks for the good reply. I am using an optical USB three button mouse and I knew there is a configuration at initial installation where you can choose. I really wish I can do it like in Red Hat you can simply re-configure mouse, however to install a whole system for changing a USB mouse seems a little bit overwork, I do not care this work but I just want to learn things as to get it working with minumum work.

I will try to do what posted here thanks guys