How should I know the total RAM available on UNIX

Hi How Should I know the Total RAM available on HP-UX box?

See: Obtain Memory on HP UNIX

Not pretty sure but I think the command TOP, gives you that

You might try this too

 grep Physical: /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log

diving through the gui of 'stm' utility will confirm when in doubt...

If u use glance in HP ux, u can able to find out Ram size very easily.
just type # glance -m
from that window u can able to find Physical Ram size

I put this together for 11.00 and now 11.11 servers - just copy and paste into a ksh script and run.

# Collect system information
# System
echo Name: `hostname`
echo Model: `model`
echo OS: `uname`
echo OS Level: `uname -r`
# Memory:
MAJORREV=$(uname -r | cut -f2 -d .)
if [ $MAJORREV -ge "11.0" ]
MYMEM=$(echo "${MYSYMBOL}/D" | adb $HPUX /dev/kmem | grep "${MYSYMBOL}: ." | awk '{print $24/1024}')
echo Memory: $MYMEM
# Number of processors
echo Processors: `sar -Mu 1 1|awk 'END {print NR-5}' `
# Processor speed:
MHZ=$(echo itick_per_tick/D | adb -k $HPUX /dev/kmem | tail -1 | awk '{print $2/10000}')
echo Process Speed: $MHZ


on 11.23. :slight_smile:

the command machinfo is very very useful on 11.23