How secure using Nagios?

Hello Experts,

I have my windows servers located at different data-centers across US and I am monitoring all of them using Nagios server configured on a CentOS. All communications are done via public IP address and I doubt it can invite some security threats too. Can anyone let me know if it is already secure or there some additional security measures which I need to take care to make the entire operations more secure?
Any help would be appreciable.


Is it all inside ssh? Nagios - SSH Monitoring

Can anyone please guide me to monitor current active user of windows terminal server? I tried doing it by using check_user_count.bat script from Nagios website but not able to complete the task. NRPE daemon is able to communicate successfully but there is some tweak required in NSC.INI file, not very sure. Any help would be highly appreciable.


Best open a new question so it shows as unanswered!

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