How redirect syslog message to a specified file?

Hello to everyone! I have a question about syslog.
I want put the messages of log in a particular file
but really i don't know how to do that or i don't get the results
that I want.

I do this:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <syslog.h>

int main (void)

And in 50-default.conf I add this line

if $programname=='Test' then /home/me/var.log

But the file var.log is empty after i ran the program (Obviously I do a rsyslogd restart before run the program).

What is wrong with this?


have you tried putting a space on either end of == ?

if $programname == 'Test' then /home/me/var.log

No :frowning: still not working.

The file that I modified is /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf

It is right?

Thank you

oh i don't know i don't have a split config. I assume you have $IncludeConfig /etc/rsyslog.d/*.conf in your /etc/rsyslogd.conf? And that you didn't add the rule within another rule?

To be honest I've never used the expression-based scripting of rsyslogd. If a program needs its own separate log file, usually it will handle it on its own rather than use the syslog.

Oh...ok. I only supossed that the correct way is use syslog , cause is a daemon built for that.

Thank you for all.