How not be virified?

I move extensively to Linux from Windows XP (where there are viruses pretty often).
Would you advise me please what to read or to do - not to fall in viruses, not to repeat the windows experiences?

I just need common sense from any experienced user.


As user of Linux without much experience, my advices:
1.- Don't use root privilegies.
2.- Use open software, if able.
3.- Use software repositories of your distribution, if any.

It would be fine to learn 'iptables' (a firewall) and scan web traffic and running processes once in a while.

And use of common sense when browsing the web, not neccesary much more for a normal user. It would be different if you have to protect any big company servers.


Windows users get viruses because they run as administrator or privileged users all the time. No antivirus can save you from that. If they didn't run as privileged users all the time, it would be much harder for anything to infect the system. Limited accounts are your friend.