how many users logged

in unix what is the syntax to find out how many users are currently logged in

who - list of users currently logged in

You can also use finger

"uptime" will give you a summary showing the number of users

01:52PM up 121 days, 14:10, 4 users, load average: 0.23, 0.23, 0.23

"w" gives you the summary and list of users logged on

01:53PM up 121 days, 14:11, 4 users, load average: 0.17, 0.21, 0.22
User tty login@ idle JCPU PCPU what
tom tty0 06:09AM 2:23 5 0 /bin/ksh
gerry tty0 07:10AM 1:11 1.54 0 /bin/ksh
opps tty0 06:09AM 2:23 5 0 /bin/ksh

so many ways...

who | wc -l