How i can place in a log file an automatic chrome opener?

Okay, so i have this problem, i have a raspberry with rasbian lite (now i have openbox running on) and i do a few script for my client. But i have a question and a problem.... i got the logs file, that file need to open automatically the browser without having to do all the steps again at the next startup(i run this bash file every start up automatically)

thats my script (im from italy ):


if [ -f ];
        then echo "sarai reindirizzato alla tua pagina di default di "; cat
        exit 0


echo "Da che scuola provieni?"
sleep 1
echo "Sono disponibili queste opzioni:"
sleep 1
echo "[1] CPC Belli"
echo "[2] CPT Locarno"
echo "[3] CPC Chiasso"
echo "[4] SPSE Tenero"
sleep 1
testo="Okay ora verrai reindirizzato nel sito web di"
echo "Inserisci il numero della scuola che frequenti:"
read NUM
case $NUM in

1)      echo "$testo CPC Bellinzona"
        chromium-browser £INTERNET WEBSITE£
2)      echo "$testo CPT di Locarno"
        chromium-browser £INTERNET WEBSITE£
3)      echo "$testo CPC di Chiasso"
        chromium-browser £INTERNET WEBSITE£
4)      echo "$testo SPSE Tenero"
        chromium-browser £INTERNET WEBSITE£
*)      echo "La tua scuola non è presente in lista"
echo "chromium-browser $NUM" >>
exit 0

this is the error, its not a error but i dont know how to set in default the person choise in the case

sarai reindirizzato alla tua pagina di default di $1

i know im bad in English but please help me!!!!

I'm not sure what you want - it looks like you want the default case to open the browser - default is the choice of the user.
Question: the user enters the number 3. The case statement will execute the code block for 3 .
So, the user's choice gets taken correctly, correct?

If the user enters 67 - which is not in the list - then the default case statement will execute. Right?
So what is your your request for default? I do not understand. You could add echo 'none of these' as a choice.
When the user selects 'none', then the case *) statement executes and you get the extra choice:

*)  echo "La tua scuola non è presente in lista"
    echo "enter your own choice"
    read mychoice
    chromium-browser   "$my_choice"

Plus some of your characters render as a British pound sign on my screen: (pound)INTERNET WEBSITE(pound) so I'm not sure what that means in your code....