how do we check SAN storage?


I am using LINUX OS. I want to check what is the SAN storage size. How do i check this in server? Any help is really appreciated..

Are you asking how to tell what size the presented LUN is or how to check for available space on the SAN?

If you would like to find out how big your LUN is, it would be the same as any SCSI disk, more than likely

If the question is how to check for available space, you should contact your storage vendor to find out if they offer any interface to do so.

Mark54g, I want to check the available space in SAN. thanks. I will contact storage vendor to find out this.

If you want to check the LUNs that are provisioned to the server, run "fdisk -l" or "cat /proc/scsi/scsi". Keep in mind that you may see duplicates if you have multiple paths to the SAN.