How do I stop printf output from going into seperate txt files

I am using

printf "%-75s%+10s   %5s   %1s   \n" $s $z $x $y > status

It works really well, however, when I email status it is sending 10 emails when I would like it to be in one.

Is there a way to make all the output to go into one instance of a txt file. Yet still keep it 1 on each line?


I think we need to see more of your script.
What do you mean by 10 emails? Ten separate emails sent to one person? Ten files?

What I mean is whats supposed to happen is all of the output should go to one text file status. Whats happening is printf is copying one line at a time and creating a new status txt file every time.
Here is the almost completed script.

echo What is the account name?
read account
echo What is the email?
read email
echo How many hours?
read  hours
let t=$hours*60

find . ! -name '.*'  -type f -mmin "+$t" > holder
cut -c 3-70 holder > uploads
for f in $(<uploads); do s=`echo "$PWD/$f" | sed -e "s/^.*\.fileburst\.com/$"`;z=`ls -la "$f" | awk '{ printf("%10d\n", $5)}'`; x=`ls -la "$f"| awk '{printf("%3s-%2s-%4s", $6, $7, $8)}'`;y=`md5sum "$f"| awk '{print $1}'`;
#echo -e "$s\t\t$z\t$x\t$y"
printf "%-75s%+10s   %5s   %1s   \n" $s $z $x $y > status

##mail -s "The following files have been uploaded to your directory chris2" -c "" susant <  status
rm -rf uploads
rm -rf holder

When it emails status, it is also 1 email 1 line at a time.


Try this one (I didn't test it, so it may be considered as pseudocode, just idea)

echo What is the account name?
read account
echo What is the email?
read email
echo How many hours?
read  hours
let t=$hours*60

find . ! -name '.*'  -type f -mmin "+$t" > holder
cut -c 3-70 holder > uploads
echo > status
for f in $(<uploads); do s=`echo "$PWD/$f" | sed -e "s/^.*\.fileburst\.com/$"`;z=`ls -la "$f" | awk '{ printf("%10d\n", $5)}'`; x=`ls -la "$f"| awk '{printf("%3s-%2s-%4s", $6, $7, $8)}'`;y=`md5sum "$f"| awk '{print $1}'`;
#echo -e "$s\t\t$z\t$x\t$y"
printf "%-75s%+10s   %5s   %1s   \n" $s $z $x $y >> status


mail -s "The following files have been uploaded to your directory chris2" -c "" susant <  status
rm -rf uploads
rm -rf holder
rm -rf status

You are an absolute life saver! Thank you

Here is the code

printf "%-75s%+10s %5s %1s \n" $s $z $x $y >> status

mail -s "Uploads!" -c "" susant < status

Here are the two issues-

1) the format that printf allowed me to have where my output was in columns is messed up when I mail it to an email address. It no longer lines up in columns.

2) The other issue is I am recieving multiple emails with this mail commad, instead of just 1??? I am not sure if this is a printf issue or a mail issue?


  1. Can you copy and paste the output of a mail received into a post so that users can see in what way the output is malformed. (Edit as required to remove personal information, but try to keep the same number of characters)

  2. You will need to include more of your script. There does not appear to be anything in what you have posted thus far to cause the problem.

I hope this posts correctly                                            5   Jul-25-03:06   99e4e22dda38bc735e56341dedcf4ba5                                         311   Jul-18-17:17   35c1b42c2540e869fc55fafab0140895                                     7   Jul-25-03:07   51b19ed7e4dcad54b0a16d6cd3d4b92f                                        7   Jul-25-03:06   3af0030870e2e4ec46cb625215323728                                      5   Jul-25-03:10   a91520833605d8d629b47f8ac6a8a13e                       85306   Jul-25-00:20   ab7a1ff08327366c8026c231ce69a8d4                                  188   Jul-25-00:20   939d9705b71a06f0c863501f97ca7344                            34353   Jul-25-00:21   a84ff6f68d9d7842d1eb15708c5b69a6                                  12709   Jul-25-00:21   b8800324670b6052148f6c72673b6862                                         207   Jul-20-20:50   f94739cbec5315f24b739cd5924e6610                                           339   Jul-20-17:04   8dff310f9fdce8ec636857e589240487                                            510   Jul-25-03:15   9259b0e3e1102c1f6bcce0e0715f740f                                             177   Jul-25-00:58   d97ad3f9138b6a8fa1e1e401f2571851                                           468   Jul-25-01:47   9261182605cd9549f6a88697dc40abca                                              5   Jul-25-03:06   99e4e22dda38bc735e56341dedcf4ba5                                           311   Jul-18-17:17   35c1b42c2540e869fc55fafab0140895                                       7   Jul-25-03:07   51b19ed7e4dcad54b0a16d6cd3d4b92f                                          7   Jul-25-03:06   3af0030870e2e4ec46cb625215323728                                        5   Jul-25-03:10   a91520833605d8d629b47f8ac6a8a13e                         85306   Jul-25-00:20   ab7a1ff08327366c8026c231ce69a8d4                                    188   Jul-25-00:20   939d9705b71a06f0c863501f97ca7344                              34353   Jul-25-00:21   a84ff6f68d9d7842d1eb15708c5b69a6                                    12709   Jul-25-00:21   b8800324670b6052148f6c72673b6862

Ok that didn't work, does anyone have any suggestions about the best way to post this?

Do i need to quote each line?

I've edited you post to uses code tags, that's the easiest way.

Try removing the spaces in your printf statement.

printf "%-75s%+10s%5s%1s\n" $s $z $x $y >> status

I found out the mail format was exactly the way I wanted it. My email client was not showing true text. So I had to set it to show the original format. I can't believe I spent 3 days debugging a script and it didn't need it, or at least that part.

Thanks for all your help


I actually do have one last question, is there a way to specify a different email address than the user thats logged in in this command. A From Field?

mail -s "Uploads!" -c "$email" susant <  status

If not what would be the equivilant sendmail command?

thank you

Yes, just put a line with:

From: <sender>

at the start of the status file, and it should override the username. If you are unsure of the exact format it should have, just veiw the header of an email you have received and look for that line, and copy its format.