how do i pattern match a field with awk?


let's say $numbers = "324 350 587" an so on...
what i'm trying to do is this:

awk -v numbers="$numbers" '{if (numbers ~ /$2/) print $0, "bla bla"}' file

# file looks like this:
214 .....
215 ...
216 ....
350 something ...
587 ...

i want to do something with the lines that contain the numbers in the variable numbers, and something else with the lines that match other patterns.


not sure what you're after....
Is it: if the line contains one of the numbers, then 'blah blah'?

forgot to mention - the line i wrote didn't work i guess it has to do with the syntax

and yes, what i meant to do was:
if the line contains one of the numbers (in the 2ed field), then print $0, "..something...."

nawk -f some.awk myFile
nawk -v numbers='324 350 587' -f some.awk myFile


  if (numbers =="") numbers="12 13"
  gsub("[0-9]+", "(^&$)", numbers)
  gsub(" ", "|", numbers)

$2 ~ numbers { print $0, "blah blah" }

omg, isn't there a simple way to do this?

how can i make awk recognize the second field as a pattern?

this doesn't work:
awk -v numbers="$numbers" '{if (numbers ~ /$2/) print $0, "bla bla"}' file

but this works (when i put actual number):
awk -v numbers="$numbers" '{if (numbers ~ /345/) print $0, "bla bla"}' file

how should i write it so that awk will "see" the actual number that is in the file (in the 2ed field)??

thanks so much for trying to help.