How do i find a file with the current time stamp in it??

I want to find a file using find or any utility having the current date time stamp.....

I have an alternate way to do that.... but that is too way out of logic... so looking out something with find itself

You can use touch to create whatever boundaries you may need and then use find 's -newer primary.



I did use that solution already....
but wat i wanted is with the FIND utility only...

@Nikhil: Could you please explain more on your need?


I'm searching for a file using find utility which is having current date......
mtime is not helping....
i have got the solution for that, but m preferring to use find only....

I am not sure of how to get current time stamp using find. But -mmin should help you.

try like find . -mmin -1 -print this should give you all the files modified within the last minute