How do I execute multiple statements within If then else

Please help me. I have been doing this for several hours.

Here is the code

if [\("$var1"=="xxx"\) -o \("$var2"=="0"\)] then
 echo a b c d >> file.txt
echo 1111 >> file.txt

The reason I want the two echo is because I want these statements printed on multiple lines. I keep getting error .

First it tells me fi is not expected, I take that out . then it teslls me if is not matched what do I do?



You need a semi-colon ; between ] and then...

if [\("$var1"=="xxx"\) -o \("$var2"=="0"\)]; then

(or put then on the next line)

Also, you need spaces before and after [ and ] and either side of ==, even though these are wrong. single = are correct.

And I don't know what all the slashes \ and brackets ( and ) are for.

if [ "$var1" = xxx -o "$var2" = 0 ]; then

Thanks for your help. I appreciate it.

it worked!!!!!!!!