How do I disable a core(or more) while boot up in Solaris 10?

I have 4 cores in my PC. I know how to disable a core using psradm -f command after boot up. But I want to disable while boot up (permanently).

1) I want only 1 core. How to disable all other cores while boot up?

2) I need to disable 2 cores. How to disable all other cores while boot up?

I need the best way.

Thank you.

Well you know about the 'psradm' command so you could put that into a script file, for example,


so that it gets executed on every boot up so you don't need to remember to do it manually.

Does that help? Feel free to ask for more help.

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That depends on when you want the cores disabled. The OS can't turn them off until the OS is booted.

So disable them via BIOS or crack open the case and physically remove them if you don't want the OS to ever "see" them.

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How do you "physically remove" a single core in a 4 core CPU?

I've always wanted to try dynamite. :smiley:

Solaris is pretty much fully alive and kicking by the time it get to executing the contents of /etc/rc2.d

I add lines to the bottom of /etc/rc2.d/S20sysetup quite regularly to modify system behaviour. Not tried putting in commands to stop CPU cores but I would be surprised if it didn't work.