How do delete unwanted characters from lsof?

Hi. I need to trace on Unix level number of connections to an Oracle database. The listener runs on port 1521.
The following is run:

oracle@server03 >lsof -Pni |grep ".1521" |grep IPv4 | awk {'print $5'}|cut -d: -f 1|sort|uniq -c|sort -nk 1
  87 IPv4
oracle@server03 >

I need to append these values into a text file every 5 mins through cron. That part works. The problem I am having is getting rid of the "IPv4" string. I just need number of connections and nothing else:


How do I change the statement so it only returns the numbers?

What OS/utility version are you using?

On a GNU/Linux system, I can run this:

# lsof -Pni4 | grep -c ":22 "

In my case, I'm just counting ssh sessions. You can change ":22 " to ":1521 " for your specific need. No need to filter, extract and sort if all you want is a count.

Thank you.