How come '\0' doesnt show up in the debugger?

I'm tracking down a stupid computer bug. I'm just sort of curious why
'/0' string won't show up after I add it. Here is the code snippet

void *allocate_string_array(size_t len, char *line, char **strarr)
int count = 0;
if( (len+1) < MAXLINE) {
if((strarr=malloc(sizeof(line) + 1)) == NULL){
return NULL;
strarr[count] = dupstr(line);
else {
fprintf(stderr, "Input line is too long \n");
return *strarr;


When I first enter the function
(gdb) print *strarr
$4 = 0x0
(gdb) print line
$5 = 0x804a180 "this is a really long long line\n"

Right after I leave the function
(gdb) step
120 return *strarr;
(gdb) print line
$6 = 0x804a180 "this is a really long long line\n"
(gdb) print *strarr
$7 = 0x840a180 "this is a really long long line\n"

'\0' is the end of string character.

Looks horrible.

Your malloc will always do a malloc of 5 bytes on a 32bit computer.

What relationship is the return value supposed to have with strarr?

Count is a constant, what is it needed for?

What is "*(strarr+len+1)='\0';" trying to do?

Does it compile cleanly with "-Wall -Werror" on gcc?

Bear with this.

My brain doesn't always function correctly after I've worked 14 hours.

if((strarr=malloc(sizeof(line) + 1)) == NULL)

should have been

if((strarr=malloc(strlen(line) + 1)) == NULL)

However, my compiler didn't bitch about the typo. Here is what happens when I turn on full warnings.
[cda@localhost ~]$ gcc -g -Wall -ansi -Werror -pedantic x_tty.c -o x_tty
[cda@localhost ~]$

Now what does
What is "*(strarr+len+1)='\0';" trying to do?

It's just any ugly hack because I was getting some funky output. I figured the reason why I was getting funky stuff was because my string wasn't terminated. However, it only works half the time. I still somethines get

is a really long long line

What is len for if you are then doing a strlen?

I still haven't worked out why you are assigning to strarr when it was given to you as an argument?

Do you actually mean


then you should be doing


Sometime this week, I'll post a URL with the ENTIRE code.

I suggest you just post a formal specification for the function "allocate_string_array".

I wasn't too sure what I was doing either. I was just trying to get it to work at the time. Anyhow, I thought about it and I think using strcpy() is the correct approach.