how can I use time

hi there
i have a problem There is a test consists of 11 multiple choice questions that must be answered in 20 minutes how can use time in shell
and how can i make it exit in 20 mins


Similar here... perhaps you can help each other!

sleep 1200 && echo test finished

I really hate a jerk that answers with something like "RTFM" and I can certainly applaud a user like demwz for answering but serioulsy asking for others to do your homework, and that is such an easily answered question if you just look at time's docs or man pages ("RTFM").

Yeah I know the "sleep" command will not be in the man pages for time but you can get WAY further if you do some research AND you will learn!

That is the point of the test I presume, correct? To see what YOU (not demwz) have learned?