How can I upload a zip folder on a unix path from my windows folder?


I am an amature at UNIX commands and functionality.
Please could you all assist me by replying to my below mentioned querry :

How can I upload a zip folder on a unix path from my windows folder?

Thanks guys

hi ,

go to run and type cmd
then give the below commands to upload a windows file to unix .

c:\>ftp ----> this will enable file transfer mode
ftp>open server_name --------> log in to unix server to which you want to upload a file
ftp>username: user --------> enter username and password
Password : ********
ftp>cd destination_path -----------> change path to destination path to which you want to upload the file
ftp>put c:\a.txt ----------------> put command is used to upload a file from source to destination
ftp>bye ---------------->exit from unix server

and you can also download a file from server to windows by giving
get command at ftp prompt

i.e ftp>get abc.txt

or else...
you have to install a application to do the same @ WinSCP :: Official Site :: Download
install this tool which helps you to upload a file or download a file from unix box.

i hope this will help u ....

thanks a lot!!!!

it worked :slight_smile: