how can I see the current hardware

how can I see the current hardware, disk size, RAM size, utilisation & installed software in the PC where the shell is running by using the shell program?

request all for help

Thank You

uname -a -->gives u the OS u r running

echo $shell -->will gives ur shell path

echo $0 -->tells u which shell u r in now

you can use these command to know ur disk space...

df --> tells you the free as well as used disk space

df -ivt--> gives more detailed info.

/etc/dfspace -->gives u the space for the root file system.

you can also try this

du -- > gives disk space used by specified files and directories..

thanks guru kumarsaravana_s

Linux :

cat /proc/cpuinfo

get CPU info

cat /proc/meminfo

get RAM info


shows the free memory

sysctl -a|fgrep tcp

get TCp info


deamons info
Solaris :

prtconf, prtdiag, showrev, psrinfo -v