How can I map hdisk# to rhdisk#?

Some storage/disks have been added to an existing AIX 6.1 server. The admin sent me the list of hdisk#'s for the new disks, but I need the corresponding rhdisk# for the same hdisk. (I know from past experience that the rhdisk that maps to an hdisk is not always the same number. For instance, there is an hdisk14 and an rhdisk14, but they are not the same).
I am installing Oracle Grid software and it requires the specific rhdisk#'s in order to create the disk groups.

You might find what you want with a combination of lscfg -vl hdisk14 & lsattr -El hdisk14 and comparing them to the output for the rhdisk device. There will be a serial number to confirm which it is, but sadly I do not have access to any AIX servers any more.

Can you post some output? I think the value you want from lscfg will be marked as Z1, but it's only a vague memory.

I hope that this helps,

Thanks for the reply Robin. I get plenty of output when I run the commands for hdisk14 but none for rhdisk14.

hostname[]:/dev> ls -l *disk14
brw-------    1 oracle   dba          13, 13 Sep 21 14:24 hdisk14
crw-------    1 oracle   dba          13, 13 Sep 21 14:24 rhdisk14

hostname[]:/dev> lscfg -vl hdisk14
  hdisk14          U8408.E8E.215A4DW-V9-C25-T1-W500507680110C327-LC000000000000  MPIO FC 2145

        Machine Type and Model......2145
        ROS Level and ID............0000
        Device Specific.(Z0)........0000063268181002
        Device Specific.(Z1)........0200602
        Serial Number...............60050768018085F2880000000000098F

hostname[]:/dev> lsattr -El hdisk14
PCM             PCM/friend/sddpcm                                   PCM                                     True
PR_key_value    none                                                Reserve Key                             True
algorithm       load_balance                                        Algorithm                               True
clr_q           no                                                  Device CLEARS its Queue on error        True
dist_err_pcnt   0                                                   Distributed Error Percentage            True
dist_tw_width   50                                                  Distributed Error Sample Time           True
flashcpy_tgtvol no                                                  Flashcopy Target Lun                    False
hcheck_interval 60                                                  Health Check Interval                   True
hcheck_mode     nonactive                                           Health Check Mode                       True
location                                                            Location Label                          True
lun_id          0xc000000000000                                     Logical Unit Number ID                  False
lun_reset_spt   yes                                                 Support SCSI LUN reset                  True
max_coalesce    0x40000                                             Maximum COALESCE size                   True
max_transfer    0x40000                                             Maximum TRANSFER Size                   True
node_name       0x500507680100c327                                  FC Node Name                            False
pvid            none                                                Physical volume identifier              False
q_err           yes                                                 Use QERR bit                            True
q_type          simple                                              Queuing TYPE                            True
qfull_dly       2                                                   delay in seconds for SCSI TASK SET FULL True
queue_depth     20                                                  Queue DEPTH                             True
recoverDEDpath  no                                                  Recover DED Failed Path                 True
reserve_policy  no_reserve                                          Reserve Policy                          True
retry_timeout   120                                                 Retry Timeout                           True
rw_timeout      60                                                  READ/WRITE time out value               True
scbsy_dly       20                                                  delay in seconds for SCSI BUSY          True
scsi_id         0x26c00                                             SCSI ID                                 False
start_timeout   180                                                 START unit time out value               True
timeout_policy  fail_path                                           Timeout Policy                          True
unique_id       3321360050768018085F2880000000000098F04214503IBMfcp Device Unique Identification            False
ww_name         0x500507680110c327                                  FC World Wide Name                      False

hostname[]:/dev> lscfg -vl rhdisk14
lscfg: device rhdisk14 not found.
hostname[]:/dev> lsattr -El rhdisk14
lsattr: 0514-519 The following device was not found in the customized
        device configuration database:

Then you also have the directory listing that you show us above. The device major & minor node match in your display (major=13, minor=13) and these should be unique to your device.

Have you got a longer listing of /dev/*hdisk* that we can work through?


I think it is much easier than that: simply compare the major and minor numbers, because these will match for device files pointing to the same (quasi-physical) device.

I hope this helps.


Check for the "rdisk" with same "Major, Minor" number in "/dev" directory using "ls -l

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