How can I get entries between two points


I am trying to write a script to get entries between two points lets say start and end points from a log file,

the log file time format is as follows

Start - 07/Aug/2008:18:26:43
End - 07/Aug/2008:19:36:43

I tried using the following awk command but it couldnt pick up the entries in between

awk /'06\/Aug\/2008:18:26:43/,/06\/Aug\/2008:18:36:43/' request.log


use sed :

sed -n '/06\/Aug\/2008:18:26:43/,/06\/Aug\/2008:18:36:43/ p' request.log

or without sed, but 6 lines instead of one:

#! /usr/bin/ksh
TOT_LENGTH=`wc -l request.log | awk '{print $1}' | tr -d " "`
START_LINE=`grep -n "Start - 07/Aug/2008:18:26:43" request.log | cut -f1 -d:`
STOP_LINE=`grep -n "End - 07/Aug/2008:19:36:43" request.log | cut -f1 -d:`
tail -$LAST_PART request.log | head -$DIFF_START_END

Thanks for your replies, actually I tried both the methods but it doesnt seem to pick up the log entries between the start and end times, The above code

Gives a syntax error

I tried using the following methods also but without any result

  1. awk /'06\/Aug\/2008:18:26:43/,/06\/Aug\/2008:18:36:43/' request.log

  2. sed -n -e '/06\/Aug\/2008:18:26:43/,/06\/Aug\/2008:18:36:43/' -e '/06\/Aug\/2008:18:36:43/q' request.log

  3. awk '/06\/Aug\/2008:18:26:43/&&f{exit}f;/06\/Aug\/2008:18:36:43/{f++}' request.log

A sample log entry is as follows - ukla\ [07/Aug/2008:14:51:23 -0400] "GET HTTPS://\_move_services.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 148 - ukla\ [07/Aug/2008:14:55:23 -0400] "GET HTTPS://\_customerservice_green.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 3168 - ukla\ [07/Aug/2008:15:05:23 -0400] "GET HTTPS:// HTTP/1.1" 200 371

The above is just a sample and there are close to 10000 lines in a log file in an hour.

Please help me in finding the entries between two points (Start - End )

Your help is greatly appreciated !
