how can I copy a file from unix to window machine?

how can I copy a file from unix to window machine (and vice versa), if ftp is not available? please tell me what else is convenient? Thanks!

Hi, If you don't have ftp, check to see if you have sftp

thanks, I do have sftp. Just for curiosity, is there any other way that I can do this?

also what is the common ways to copy files from unix to unix nowadays? Thanks!

If you want a complex solution, setup a samba server and mount the unix directory on to windows machine and do a 'windows copy' :wink:



You would say secure shell copy (scp) is your friend.


Is there an SFTP server for windows? What about SCP/SSH? If you're copying from Windows to Unix, scp and sftp are the obvious choices, but since you're copying from unix to windows, the answer might be different. How secure do you need this to be? If the two boxes are sitting next to eachother and you want to do this often, samba is probably a good idea. If the Windows box is accross the internet from your unix box... I have no idea... I'd look for a windows sftp/scp server.

Scp and Sftp are the default unix to unix file copy utilities.


These utilities don't exist on many of the UNIX systems I use at work. I have a hard time thinking they would be the default utilities. Plain old 'ftp' is pretty standard. Also, uucp might work.

From my uucp man page.

uucp(1)                                                                uucp(1)

       uucp - Unix to Unix copy

       uucp [ options ] source-file destination-file

       uucp [ options ] source-file... destination-directory

       The  uucp  command  copies  files  between systems.  Each file argument is either a
       pathname on the local machine or is of the form