How can i connect storedge A1000 to E250box?

Hello Experts,

 I am using E250  on that solais 10 5/08 installed. I am unable to see disks. I connected 2 disks in that storage of 18gb each. When I run format command it is showing that 2 disks one is operating system and another one is 6MB. I checked probe-scsi and probe-scsi-all at ok prompt.

Its showing 8 units in that one unit is symbios remaining all are blank. Do i need RAID Manager 6.22.1 or do i need any firm ware upgradation? or do i need any kernel patches?

My firm ware version is 3.26.0 .

Thanks in advance

you need raidmanager to setup a volume and map it to the server. after rm installation you can check for fw upgrades. to support a1000 on e250 you need need at least obp level 3.7.7. latest obp is 3.30.x which you find in patch 106503-09.

good luck,

Thanx for your quick replay.

 Where shud i get RM and which version is needed for me?

Thanks in advance.

rm can be downloadad at solaris 10 is not supported for rm but it "should" work (not testeted!). use the latest version (6.22.1).

I have searched for RM 6.22.1. I found a patch 112126-09. I tried to add that patch with backing out option it is telling that no packages found (SUNWosafw). What should i do?

Thanks for your replay.

Thanx for replay

   I have updated my firmware and now my firmware version is 3.30.0. and i am using symbios 53c875 card. Does it support for A1000

if it is a HVD scsi controller it might work...