How can i allow only a group of users in NIS?

Hello experts.

I am using Solaris10. How can i allow a group of users, remaining should be deny.

Thanx in advance.

Allow them to do what?

ARe you referring to the /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny files? your question not clear.. :confused:

Thanx for your replay

For group of users logging in..

Thanx in advance.

You can implement RBAC or ACLs

Thanx for giving replay

I have group1 group2 group3 group4 ... on my NIS server.  I wanted to allow only group1 users  login on that server from clients. Remaining groups should deny.

The opposite would be easier to implement, i.e. having all users belonging to one specific group being denied access.

You could use NIS netgroups to restrict users access to a set of hosts - but it has some issues of it's own...

sudo, which is commonly used for providing elevated privileges, can also be used to restrict access to a host completely

From man -s4 passwd:

So if you add the group to /etc/passwd and it is correctly defined in NIS you should hopefully be granting access to only that group.