Hosting issue regarding subdirectories and fwd Slashes

I admin two co-located servers. I built an app that creates subdirectories for users ie Custom Application Development Software for Business -

one server that works just fine when you hit that url, it sees the index within and does as it should.

I moved the app to my other server running FEDORA 1 i686 standard, cPanel 11.24.5-S37946 - WHM 11.24.2 - X 3.9 BUT now it does not recognize the url unless I add a fwd slash at the end ie Custom Application Development Software for Business -

As a matter of fact, if I try to execute Custom Application Development Software for Business - it kicks over to (takes out www and adds fwd slash).

Is there something in configuration that can be set that will allow me to hit the subdirectory without the / ? I'm thinking it's a CHMOD issue because another site on the same server does not have the issue.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Do these directories really, physically exist, or are they virtual?

Corona, The really physically exist, thanks for any input you may have.

It may be a webserver configuration issue then. I'm guessing you're using apache. Can you compare the configuration of the working server to the problem one? And display the permissions of the user directories if you can.