
Something i dont understand is that this forum is for Unix and linux users and this is UNIX for dummies, why cant we then discuss OS vs OS or distributer. If its for beginners and people who are intrested in Unix, it would be a good idea to learn and understand the differances between the differant OS�s. Am i very nieve and stupid, or are the rules meesed up????? :mad: :mad:

i changed that topic to remove the smilie and activated the mad icon to yield the result that I think the OP wanted. --- Perderabo

This is not a discussion forum. It is a forum for help with problems. Specifically for people who have little or no knowledge of Unix and its variaous flavors. I think they are pretty flexible here.

Please post stuff in the appropiate forum.

When you ask a question like "is hp-ux or solaris better", there is no answer. That has been discussed for years with no resolution in sight. Discussions like that tend to become wars. We don't need that here. This site is for questions like, "How do I display the last line of a file?". While there are several ways, this seldom results in a war. If is should, we mods will stop it pronto.