High cpu usage

I have created one script and i have added it into cron to run after 10 mins. However I have noted that whenever that script runs, It causes CPU utilization of server to increase about 10-20 %
I have rechecked script and there is no way i can make changes, Script contain only 2-3 commands. So nothing can be done in script.
Is there any other way by which I can manage this CPU utlization,
Is there any way by which I can avoid/minimise this increase in CPU usage while running this script.

So, a few questions:-

  • Is this a problem?
  • Is it hurting transaction times for the business users?
  • Are you just doing some good work?
  • Not being psychic, I can't really advise you on the script you have not posted. How can we help? (Rhetorical)

If you may modify the script and there is a loop, inserting a sleep 1 can work wonders.

I don't think the script causes CPU utilization to increase but one of the commands in there. If you know which one it is, you can ponder if it's really needed and worthwhile, and if it needs to run that frequently. Raising nice value helps sometimes, but I don't know if it does in cron jobs.

If nothing helps, and the server's and/or users' normal work is impeded inacceptably, you'll need to analyse the bottleneck in the command and eventually rewrite it.

You tell us "Script contain only 2-3 commands. So nothing can be done in script."

If you don't even know if it contains 2 commands or 3 commands, why are you so sure that those 2 or 3 commands can't be improved?

Please show us the script!