Hi this is about use of sed or awk

need to delete notification * functions in all yang files , using linux script inside notification * function some functions has nested functions upto 3 levels. what is the best way to delete the notification * function using linux script

@ramananm , Welcome.

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PS: It would also be helpful (to you) to read the forum rules/faqs.

used these

awk '/notification .* {/,/}/{ if (/notification .* {/) { n++ } if (n > 0) { if (/}/) { n-- } next } } 1' fscfa.yang > temp_file && mv temp_file fscfa.yang  

but not able to delete the whole function.

notification ifDeleted  {
   "This trap is generated when interface Row Status
    is Destroy or interface is deleted.";

     leaf ifMainIndex {
       type  fs-if:InterfaceIndex;

 notification ifUfdEnabled  {
   "This trap is generated when the interface's Uplink Failure
    Detection(UFD) operational status is moved from UFD error
    disabled to Up state";

     leaf ifMainIndex {
       type  fs-if:InterfaceIndex;

     leaf ifMainUfdOperStatus {
       type leafref {
         path "/fs-fs-cfa:fscfa/fs-fs-cfa:if/fs-fs-cfa:ifMainTable/fs-fs-cfa:ifMainEntry/fs-fs-cfa:ifMainUfdOperStatus";
 notification ifUfdErrorDisabled  {
   "This trap is generated when the interface's Uplink Failure
    Detection(UFD) operational status is moved from Up to UFD
    error disabled state";

     leaf ifMainIndex {
       type  fs-if:InterfaceIndex;

     leaf ifMainUfdOperStatus {
       type leafref {
         path "/fs-fs-cfa:fscfa/fs-fs-cfa:if/fs-fs-cfa:ifMainTable/fs-fs-cfa:ifMainEntry/fs-fs-cfa:ifMainUfdOperStatus";

eg code of notification to be delete for reference

Your range spans up to the first } but you want the corresponding }
BTW in ERE they should be escaped \{ and \}

I found this, after a little puzzling:

awk '/notification .* \{/ { del=1 } del { if(/\{/) n++; if (/\}/ && n--) next } n == 0 { print; del=0 }' fscfa.yang

The del flag variable is 1=true if inside the notification function.