help with wget and 404 errors

I am trying to use wget to make a local copy of this website (i have the http:// in front, but the forum will not allow me to put it in at this time)

Whenever i try to use wget i receive an "Error 404: Not found". I tried the referer with no luck.

If anyone can help I would appreciate it.

Probably due to dynamic webpage generation. As far as I know, wget is not able to retrieve such webpages.

It's probably to disallow automatic downloading. wget doesn't hide the fact that it's a batch downloader. Try giving it a different user-agent with -U, and make the referer with --referer.

@fpmurphy do you know of anything to convert a dynamic page to static and store it locally? The reason i want to store this locally is because 1) the site causes timeouts with some scripts i have 2) I do no want to overload or be the cause of extra traffic on the server because of my scripts

@Corona688 I added the user agent, but already had a referer. It still fails. My query looks like this:

wget --directory-prefix=/Users/problemss/Desktop --proxy=off -Q0 --user-agent=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1) --passive-ftp --header=REFERER: -k -r -l2 --progress=dot:binary 

The response is:

Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 NOT FOUND
2012-08-16 14:13:25 ERROR 404: NOT FOUND.

Do you have curl?

curl  > page.html

But you won't get recursive download this way...