Help with watermarking photos downloads with corresponding URLs

Hi Everybody :slight_smile:

Once again I seek the wisdom of the community:b:

I wish to accomplish a task on the command line that involves watermarking download photos with the URL that they originated from. So far I have a command that downloads images from Picasa and creates a file of the URL addresses. I also have another command involving "mogrify" which watermarks the photos. I am missing the step where I can watermark the photos with their corresponding URLs. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

GET "" |sed 's/</\n</g' | grep media:content |sed 's/.*url='"'"'\([^'"'"']*\)'"'"'.*$/\1/' > picasalist; wget -c -i picasalist;
mogrify -font helvetica -pointsize 12 -gravity southwest -draw 'fill black text 1,1 "FOOBAR!" fill white text 2,0 "FOOBAR!"'  *.jpg

---------- Post updated 08-21-10 at 04:36 PM ---------- Previous update was 08-20-10 at 05:27 PM ----------

Does anybody know if what I'm trying to achieve is possible to accomplish in the simple manner I'm suggesting?