Help with touch and timestamps

Hello fellow Unix geeks,
I have been given a very urgent assignment in my office on writing a particular Shell script but I'm very much new to it.I would appreciate any help from you on solving this problem--which might seem very trivial to you.

The Unix flavour is a Sun Solaris one..(not sure).
Basically --the problem is--there are a certain number of files in a certain directory.A script has to be written which will 'touch' all the files within that directory giving those file the current timestamp.However,the trick is that ,the files shouldn't be touched all at once..There has to be a certain gap-say 5 or 7 seconds,between each file.

Please help.


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for FILE in dir/*
        touch "$FILE"
        sleep 5
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Thanks everyone for your prompt response and advice.
Just a question-it might seem very lame ,but isnce I'm very new to Unix I can be forgiven--

for FILE in dir/* do         
touch "$FILE"       
 sleep 5 done

Here--how do I define File?There are almost 100 shell scripts in a certain directory for which I need to run this script in a loop.
Please help.

for FILE in dir/*
        touch "$FILE"
        sleep 5

You dont need to specify a file.

Just you want to replace the dir/ with your original directory path.

This for loop read all the files inside the directory and execute the touch command for those files.

Thanks a lot itkamaraj.
Another dumb question.How do I run this code?Do I need to create a .sh script and run ./<> ??
Or do I run it directly?


yes, you are correct.

before running the script assing the execute permission

chmod 755