help with this code

Hi everyone, I am new to this site, and i would like some help with this:

#! /bin/ksh -
# copies files to more tham one server
# Names of the servers must be in a file called server.txt

x=0 //varible for the loop
while [$x -eq 0] //repits loop until finds out if the file in $FILES
do //exists

echo "Source file?" //
read FILES //lread the file from keybord and saves it in $FILE
ls $FILES // executes ls with $FILES
if [$? -eq 0] //if the file existes switches x=0 to x =1
then //to close the loop

echo "Choose destination"
read FILED
for i in `cat server.txt`
scp $FILES user@$i:$FILED;

this is a script that I want to use to copy files to diferent servers (AIX & linux). If I skip the while the scripts runs, but I also wants the script to check if the file entered by keyboard exists, but i get an error ksh:[o : not found.
If anyone can help, I�ll very happy.

pd: I am new to Unix, if I am making a terrible naife error, please forgive

thanks a lot

Leave a space around "test" (bracket's)

while [ $x -eq 0 ]  

thank you very much, it works now

is there any way to store samehow the user�s password to skip typing the passwrod for every server?

Putting passwords into scripts is a really bad idea. scp supports authentication by keys.
try man ssh-keygen and man ssh