Help with tail command

Hi All,

My query seems to be silly but Iam unable to find where the exact problem lies.

I have a script to unzip set of files

here is the script

Count=`cat /home/gaddamja/Tempfile | wc -l`
while [ $count -ge 1 ]
Filename=`cat /home/gaddamja/Tempfile |tail -$Count | head -1`
cd /home/gaddamja/FilesDirectory
`gunzip $Filename`
echo " $Filename unzipped successfully"
$Count=`expr $count - 1`
echo "Unzipping completed"

from second line I am getting the count but in 5th line when i use 'Count' with tail its not working

it says

tail: cannot open input

could you pl suggeest me the right way to use it.

quick reply much appriciated!

Many thanks in advance

hmm.. whats in Tempfile?

try This

Filename=`cat /home/gaddamja/Tempfile |tail -"$Count" | head -1`

What is the output from these two commands:

file /home/gaddamja/Tempfile

sed -n l /home/gaddamja/Tempfile

As suggested above there is something funny about that file.

There are some imperfections in your script, try this one:


count=$(wc -l < /home/gaddamja/Tempfile)

cd /home/gaddamja/FilesDirectory

while [ $count -ge 1 ]
  Filename=$(tail -$count /home/gaddamja/Tempfile | head -1)
  gunzip $Filename
  echo " $Filename unzipped successfully"
  count=$(($count - 1))
echo "Unzipping completed"

Interestingly franklin52 version should generate the same error because $Count is empty at the time of the "tail" command thereby causing "tail - ". Update: franklin52 version now has $count and therefore does not have the problem in that form.

What is weird is why $Count is empty (or has a leading space character) in the original script also causing "tail - ".
Hmm. In many old scripts I have a sed to remove a spurious space character from the output of "wc -l".

The problem is that he's using $count and $Count interchangeably.

I could only find one simple way to generate the error message "tail: cannot open input".

echo "hello"|tail -1

echo "hello"|tail - 1
tail: cannot open input
error: No such file or directory on file -

There were many other issues in the script.