Help with syntax of Python script

I added some fields to some existing code, and all was well. Just added a few more, and BAM. I've looked this over forever, but being a newbie to Python, I see NOTHING. The code generates syslog messages, and the new fields were added around "rtp_lapse*" . Any clues???


__author__ = 'GMS'

import socket
import datetime
import time
import random
import math
import signal

stop = False

def handler(signum, frame):
    print ('Signal handler called with signal'), signum
    global stop
    stop = True

# Set the signal handler and a 5-second alarm
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler)

# Read Global Cell Ids into a list
global_cell_ids = []
global_cell_id_count = 0
wfile = open('globalcellids_volte.csv', 'r')
for line in wfile:
    row = line.rsplit('\n')
    # print 'row: ', row
    global_cell_id_count += 1

# 20 percentage syslog
syslog_count = global_cell_id_count * 20 / 100

UDP_IP = ""
UDP_PORT = 10516

gtp_ver = '2'
loc_type = '4'

hostname = socket.gethostname()
sock = None

# Infinite Loop
while not stop:

    # Get the timestamp
    now =
    timestamp = now.strftime("%b %d %X")

        sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
    except socket.error as msg:
        print (timestamp), msg
        sock = None

        sock.connect((UDP_IP, UDP_PORT))

    except socket.error as msg:
        print (timestamp), msg
        sock = None


        if sock is not None:
            log_cell_id = []
            send = True
            for i in range(0, syslog_count):

                # index = random.randint(0, global_cell_id_count-1)
                index = random.randint(0, 400)
                while log_cell_id.count(index) != 0:
                    index = random.randint(0, 400)
                    #index = random.randint(0, global_cell_id_count-1)


                row = global_cell_ids[index]
                cols = row.split(',')

                t_int = 30000
                ul_data_vol = int(random.randint(50, 200))
                dl_data_vol = int(random.randint(50, 200))
                ul_volte_vol = int(random.randint(28, 40))
                dl_volte_vol = int(random.randint(28, 40))

                rtp_lapses1 = int(random.randint(0, 8))
                rtp_lapses2 = int(random.randint(0, 8))
                rtp_lapses3 = int(random.randint(0, 8))
                rtp_lapses4 = int(random.randint(0, 8))
                rtp_lapses5 = int(random.randint(0, 8))
                rtp_lapses6 = int(random.randint(0, 8))
                rtp_lapses7 = int(random.randint(0, 8))
                rtp_lapses8 = int(random.randint(0, 8))
                rtp_lapses9 = int(random.randint(0, 8))
                rtp_lapses10 = int(random.randint(0, 8))

                total_segments = 1000
                pkt_loss_seconds = int(random.randint(0, 15))
                rtp_call_seconds = int(random.randint(0, 15))
                rtp_calls_analyzed = int(random.randint(0, 15))
                rtp_calls_detected = int(random.randint(0, 15))

                fmt_syslog = timestamp + ' ' + hostname + ' gtp_ver=' + gtp_ver
                fmt_syslog += ' loc_type=' + loc_type + ' cell_id=' + cols[0]
                fmt_syslog += ' ul_data_vol=' + str(ul_data_vol) + ' dl_data_vol=' + str(dl_data_vol)
                fmt_syslog += ' ul_volte_vol=' + str(ul_volte_vol) + ' dl_volte_vol=' + str(dl_volte_vol)
                fmt_syslog += ' rtp_lapses1=' + str(rtp_lapses1)
                fmt_syslog += ' rtp_lapses2=' + str(rtp_lapses2)
                fmt_syslog += ' rtp_lapses3=' + str(rtp_lapses3)
                fmt_syslog += ' rtp_lapses4=' + str(rtp_lapses4)
                fmt_syslog += ' rtp_lapses5=' + str(rtp_lapses5)
                fmt_syslog += ' rtp_lapses6=' + str(rtp_lapses6)
                fmt_syslog += ' rtp_lapses7=' + str(rtp_lapses7)
                fmt_syslog += ' rtp_lapses8=' + str(rtp_lapses8)
                fmt_syslog += ' rtp_lapses9=' + str(rtp_lapses9)
                fmt_syslog += ' rtp_lapses10=' + str(rtp_lapses10)
                fmt_syslog += ' total_segments=' + str(total_segments)
                fmt_syslog += ' pkt_loss_seconds=' + str(pkt_loss_seconds)
                fmt_syslog += ' rtp_call_seconds=' + str(rtp_call_seconds)
                fmt_syslog += ' rtp_calls_analyzed=' + str(rtp_calls_analyzed)
                fmt_syslog += ' rtp_calls_detected=' + str(rtp_calls_detected)

                    if send:
                except socket.error as msg:
                    print (timestamp), msg
                    send = False
                    sock = None

            if sock is not None:

    Sleep for 30 seconds and generate syslog again

Please show us the diff output comparing your code now and your code when it was last working correctly.

What syslog messages are being logged?

There is no output now. If it were an output format or content problem, I could fix it, but no such luck.

You said:

What did you change between "all was well" and "Just added a few more, and BAM."? Show us the changes!

You said:

Show us the syslog messages the code generates!

I don't see the code I posted with changes yesterday for some reason. However, I did find the problem. I copied the tested code from OS X onto our Redhat server, and on the new machine, invisible carriage returns were read as indentations.

Thanks all!