Help with sudoers file - AIX

Hi all,

I'm trying to setup my sudoer file at work to have the right security, but I'm not able to refine to the level I want.

Here's what I would like to have:

=> OS Users

  • John (group staff)
  • Bob (group staff)
  • app20adm (group app20grp)
  • app70adm (group app70grp)
  • sys20adm (group app20grp)
  • sys70adm (group app70grp)

=> OS Groups

  • staff
  • app20grp
  • app70grp

I would like to have John run all sudo commands as sys20adm and sys70adm, including 'sudo -i'. Files should have permission of sys20adm:app20grp or sys70adm:app70grp

I also would like to have Bob run all sudo commands as app20adm and app70adm, except 'sudo -i'.

I haven't been able to get not even the first part (run command as). Can anyone help? Here's what I have configured so far:

User_Alias SYSADMIN20 = john
User_Alias SYSADMIN70 = john
User_Alias APPADMIN20 = bob
User_Alias APPADMIN70 = bob

Runas_Alias     SYS20ADM = sys20adm
Runas_Alias     SYS70ADM = sys70adm
Runas_Alias     APP20ADM = app20adm
Runas_Alias     APP70ADM = app70adm

APPADMIN20      ALL = (APP20ADM) ALL , !/usr/bin/sudo -i app20adm
APPADMIN70      ALL = (APP70ADM) ALL , !/usr/bin/sudo -i app70adm

Any ideas? I also tried the defaults below, be the later overwrites the first.

Defaults:SYSADMIN20    runas_default=sys20adm
Defaults:SYSADMIN70    runas_default=sys70adm
