Help with String Comparison

I'm running the following script to compare string values to a regexp:

for entry in $(lpinfo -v | cut -c 1-); do
    if [$entry == socket://*]
        echo "blah"

Whenever I run it, each token of lpinfo is being interpreted as a command and I get errors such as:

[network: command not found
[socket: command not found

How can I get bash to interpret this as just a string comparison and not me trying to call tons of undefined functions?

Any help is much appreciated.

What happens when you do this:

if [ "$entry" = "socket://*" ] 

Yep, that did it. I didn't know you had to have a space between the brackets and the operations on the inside. Also, I had to do a double bracket test to make the evaluation interpret the right side as a regexp. So:

if [[ $entry == socket://* ]]

Thanks for the help.