Help with script

I have created the following script.

#works list is any list that you give it, but it was designed to be used with the entire image volume list.
#for this script to have the most effect please run mobooksfiles/ befor running this.
if [ ! $2 ]; then
echo missing arguments\(s\)
echo \<works-list\> \<target-read\>
exit 1


exec 3<&0
exec 0<$WORKLIST
while read line
find ./$line -type d \! \( -name "image*" -empty \) | awk -F'/' '{a[$2]++; if ( a[$2]==1 ) print "/"$2}' |
while read dir;
find .$dir -type d -name 'e*' | grep . && continue
echo "$dir" >$RESULT
exec 0<&3

#if you get rid of this line and the # before java below eBooks will be generated for the files found to have none from the above script
cd /Users/tbrc/scripts/works2eBooks
java -classpath pdflib.jar:. works2eBooks $TARGET $RESULT

exit 0

There are a few things that i dont understand that seem to be happening. The first is when i remove my >RESULT it outputs all of the files to the screen like this

but when i add >RESULT I still get this on the screen
and this to RESULT

Why is this happening? (I do like that it happens but am not sure why)

and issue number 2. It was outputting all of the directories that didn't have ebooks to RESULT but after some tinkering seems to only be outputting the first directory that it finds not to have eBooks to result.

my script then generates an ebook for it. So if i run it again it finds the next and so on but i obviously want it to output all of them at once. Any help would be great. And any suggestions on how to make it run even faster aside from what i have asked for would also be great.


The lines which don't end up in RESULT are the output from "grep ." I presume, i.e. directories which were found to already have an e* file. It would be customary to redirect the output from grep to /dev/null to avoid this, since the grep is only done for its truth value, not for printing the found directories; but of course, if you like it this way, don't change it.

You are overwriting RESULT on each iteration, so I guess it will generate an ebook for the last directory which lacks one, not the first. You can change it so it creates an empty RESULT before the loop, and then appends lines to it with >> (provided your Java thingy can cope with multiple file names in that file).