Help with script to create users from database query

user=`mysql userList -uuserlist -puserlistpassword -s -N -e "SELECT userName FROM users WHERE activated='n'"`
for i in $user; do
useradd "$i" -m

This is what I have done so far. But obviously it still does not work.
I'm trying to create users based on information stored in a database. At the moment I'm just concentrating on creating users. But would like to add passwords as well. Anybody able to point me in the right direction

EDIT: I'm very new to bash scripting as well. Hence why I'm struggling.

Many thanks


Pls post the output of the SQL query alone, i.e. what will go into the user variable.

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hell Monkey doughnut

That was done using

users=`mysql userList -uuserlist -puserlistpassword -s -N -e "SELECT userName FROM users WHERE activated='n'"`
echo $users


What exactly is not working? Is there any error output from your for-loop? Your code works for me.

[root@web1 scripts]# cat ./myScript
users=`mysql test -uroot -pPassXXXX -s -N -e "SELECT userName FROM users"`
for i in $users; do
  useradd "$i" -m

[root@web1 scripts]# ./myScript

[root@web1 scripts]# tail -3 /etc/passwd
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Your code looks OK. Pls run the script with the -vx options set and post the result.

Its OK. Thanks everyone.
I've got it working using a different script and its also adds the password to the user. :slight_smile: