Help with regexp

Hi there! I would like to know how to find and replace all numbers in a *.html file and make them bold. Any help will be appreciated! :slight_smile:

which shell are you using??

Thanks for the reply, I am currently using bash.

what do you mean by uppercase for numbers?? can you give sample input and expected output pattern

I mean, not uppercase... forgot that mate, I made a mistake... I just want them to be bold... This is an example, because its a huge list...

       <li>Some text</li>
       <li>Some text</li>
       <li>Some text</li>

Do you mean the tag for bold <B>..</B> in a browser???

Yep, exactly mate. Thats what I want but I dont know how to perform that.

You have to do some adaptions, but it gives you a pointer to start with:

awk '/pattern/{gsub("pattern","<B>pattern</B>")}1' file > newfile
