Help with putty window setting

hi friends,
This is not a shell scripting related doubt, but still posting so that you can answer it :wink: or redirect to correct place in this website.

Many a times i have to open multiple putty sessions by duplicating a session and want to rename their tabs.

For this activity i have to right click(using mouse) on the topmost tab of the putty window. (Attached snapshot of the same)

Can you please suggest a keyboard shortkey for the same?


Why you don't look for Putty Connection Manager[PCM]
PuTTY: Extreme Makeover Using PuTTY Connection Manager (link removed)

@sathyaonnuix I can't use Putty CM because i prefer to have multiple small small putty screens for monitor/checking multiple things.
Also i have already burnt my fingers with various bugs in putty CM in the past, so i avoid it.

One more reason is that i open my putty sessions by running .bat files which contain the passwords, i cant do the same because Putty CM is not able to adjust to the delay in connecting to the server every time. The server(where i do all the work ) is in US and there is a considerable network delay in connecting to it.
Yes i know that their are settings to adjust the delay , but these havent helped me. The way i connect right now i face no such issues.

Please can you suggest any alternative using putty itself?

Can anyone else please give suggestion? :frowning:

In HP-UX you can run title command to change putty window title:

title "Title"

Otherwise you can run below to change putty window title:

printf "\033]0;Title\007"