Help with printing the calling script filename

Consider the following sample scripts.....

filename: f1

# Call f3

filename: f2

# Call f3

filename: f3

# f3
echo "$x called me"

*** Where "x" is the name of the script file that called function 3 (f1,f2, ...,fn).
*** I can pass it as a variable ($0, $BASH_SOURCE) from f1 & f2 scripts.
*** But i don't want to modify f1 & f2 (lot of files are using it !!!)

How can i modify f3 alone to make it print the name of the calling script file ?

Something like

x=$(cat /proc/$PPID/cmdline)
echo "$x called me"

Thanks for the response...

I am getting this output....
-sh called me

I am not root user. & the output is supposed to be....
"f1 called me" or "f2 called me" not "-sh called me"