Help with macdef (.netrc)

Am trying a shell script for ftp process on Solaris

I am trying to mget files to

Destination server: myserverxxx1
folder : /backup/dumps/SERVER-1backup/afterbatch

Source server: SERVER-1
folder : /dumps/daily/backupafterbatch/Thu21Oct_04:22:37

depending on the date the folder can be

i have to cd to the latest folder

in this case

I am unable to cd to the latest date folder :confused:

my script is as under(## in destination server ## sunftp)
cd backup/dumps/kplusbackup/afterbatch
ftp SERVER-1

I am using .netrc macdef init ,

my .netrc file is as below (## in destination server)

machine SERVER-1 login sunny password sunny12 macdef init
cd /dumps/daily/backupafterbatch
ls -lrt "|tail -1 | cut -c 55-79-exec cd \{} \;"
ls -lrt

executing the script as under
sunny@mydb1 $ . ./sunftp

output is like

Connected to SERVER-1
220 SERVER-1 FTP server ready.
331 Password required for sunny.
230 User sunny logged in.
cd /dumps/daily/backupafterbatch
250 CWD command successful.
ls -lrt "|tail -1 | cut -c 55-79 -exec cd {} ;"
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
226 Transfer complete.
local: ; remote: -lrt
228 bytes received in 0.009 seconds (24.65 Kbytes/s)
257 "/dumps/daily/backupafterbatch" is current directory.
ls -lrt
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
total 6
drwxr-xr-x 2 sybase kadmin 512 Oct 21 04:22 Thu21Oct_04:22:37
drwxr-xr-x 2 sybase kadmin 512 Oct 22 04:25 Fri22Oct_04:25:13
drwxr-xr-x 2 sybase kadmin 512 Oct 23 04:25 Sat23Oct_04:25:07
226 Transfer complete.
remote: -lrt
228 bytes received in 0.023 seconds (9.68 Kbytes/s)
ftp> bye
221-You have transferred 0 bytes in 0 files.
221-Total traffic for this session was 1013 bytes in 2 transfers.
221-Thank you for using the FTP service on SERVER-1.
221 Goodbye.
-lrt: not found

If I am successful in entering into the latest folder i will mget ,can anyone guide me please

Thanks in advance

The above command is a (sort of) unix command sequence. It is not a valid ftp command.
The ftp protocol is not Shell and it has a very limited command set.

The only way I know to do this with ftp is with three distinct stages:

1) Use ftp to get a directory list (some versions can sort by timestamp, some can't). Store the directory list in a local file.

2) Process the directory list to find the most recent directory.

3) Use ftp to access that directory and download the files you require.

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