help with function to add printer

Requirement was to get the differences of printers on the prod server and the dev server
Using the following awk, i was able to get the difference between two files.

awk 'BEGIN {while ( getline < "sun5-printers.txt") {arr[$0]++ }}{ if (!($0
 in arr ) ) {print} }' sun8-printers.txt

I need to amend the IP address of my printers, so that they can work on my DEV server
I have this function to add the printer using the lpadmin command

# Printer Name cannot Include any spaces
prName=" "
# IP Address of printer
prAddress=" "
# Location
prLocation=" "
prdescrip=" "
prfilter=" "
prport=" "
prdriver=" "
#Amend,create or delete Printer
printerExists $prName
function printerExists()
if [ $prExists -eq 1 ]; then
  echo "Printer already exists. Skipping: \"$prName\""
  # Add Printer Command 
  lpadmin -p "${prName}" -E -D "${prDescript}" -L "${prLocation}" -i /u1/cups/mac/"$prFilter_filter -v \

Is this correct, if not how can i amend it????:confused: