Help with FTP in UNIX

Hi All,

I am a beginner in Unix, wanted to know can we FTP one file located in one server to the another server location using Putty. The destination would require user ID and password to access the location. Also, the file that needs to be picked up should have the date of previous day.

Thanks in advance.

Sure. Download pscp (Putty secure copy) program from the putty site.
The link below is a full set of instructions on how to set up pscp. But this involves using a windows box. That is not what you want. Forget putty for this.

You already have everything you need on unix. Free. No downloads. It is called scp , /usr/bin/scp

scp uses the ssh protocol to send files.

The link also has how to set up ssh on Linux/UNIX. That is what you want.

Set up SSH public-key authentication to connect to a remote system

Here is how it works:
On the machine that receives files you create what are called ssh keys. One of those keys is a public key. Keys live in a special directory which is in the same location for every user that wants ssh. You take the public key you just made and place that key on the sender machine(s) in the same special directory.

For every server that has files sent to it you have to set up ssh keys, then place them on remote sender machines(s). So you can have lots of public keys in one sender user's ssh directory. One for each server.

There is a lot more detail to this. Follow the link I gave you.

Once you have ssh keys on the remote sender machine the two commands you need are

# send file
scp remoteusername@recieverbox myfile /path/to/remote/myfile 
# the date you want is a long string of numbers: [[[[cc]yy]MM]dd]hhmm[.ss]
# yesterday at noon for me is 201804151200   you do not have to use the [.ss] part for seconds
# we have ssh keys setup so ssh works, too.
ssh  remoteusername@recieverbox touch -t 201804151200 /path/to/remote/myfile
