Help with finding a string and printing value in the next column

Hi, been about 10 years since I've scripted, so very rusty and could use some quick help.

I have a file that contains data like such:

folder1 jondoe owner janedoe reader joeshmo none
folder2 jondoe none janedoe none joeshmo owner
folder3 jondoe owner
folder4 janedoe owner joeshmo reader

Want to search for janedoe for each line of the file and print the next column. So, expecting output like:

folder1 janedoe reader
folder2 janedoe none
folder 4 janedoe owner

Much thanks in advance.

One way would be :

sed -n 's/ .*\(janedoe [^ ]*\).*/ \1/p' infile

Using awk:

$ awk '
{ for(j=0;j<=NF;j++)
    if ( $j == "janedoe" )
          print $1,$j,$(j+1)}
' infile


while read -r line
        case "$line" in
           next=${line##*janedoe }
           next=${next%% *}
           first=${line%% *}
           echo "$first janedoe $next"
done <"file"


# ./
folder1 janedoe reader
folder2 janedoe none
folder4 janedoe owner

	print $1,"\n" if /(.*janedoe\s*[^ ]*)/;
folder1 jondoe owner janedoe reader joeshmo none
folder2 jondoe none janedoe none joeshmo owner
folder3 jondoe owner
folder4 janedoe owner joeshmo reader

Much appreciated everyone!

A shorter one.

awk '$2 ~ /janedoe/ { print $1" "$2" "$3 }'  file
