Help with file system requirements


I need to give the file system requirements for our project and i don't know how to proceed. From where do i stand? Our box is SUNos and there are 20 to 30 application that we should support on the box. Can any one get me started in a direction.


What type of file requirements are you talking about?

Read the documentation for those applications and see what they require.


I was talking mainly about the space required for each file system etc. We are actually moving to a different server and all the applications will be moved to the new box. So i need to give them space requirements etc. How i can check how much space the present file system is occupying?


Check what is approximate space required by every application - it maybe a jar or a zip or a war or any such file. Depending on the space required by all, then you will need to consider the space required by logs, tmp, blah blah ..

How can i get the space required by a file system. Is there not a command to identify how much space a file system is using which would make my life easier. Please let me know.

Use "df -k <path of the file system>" E.g df -k /home/xxxx

And look for the value below "avail". That reports the total available size in KB. Divide by 1024 to get in MB.

Hope this helps !

Use add '-h' option to df

#Reports in KB/MB/GB
df -kh <Path>