Help with file sizes

I have 2 big files in the size of gb. They are same with respect to content, both are �,� delimited. Now both of them are created by two different processes but has the same logic. The problem is they are differing only in few bytes for e.g one file is 202195751 bytes other is 202195773. So there is only 22 bytes difference. But we need to make sure file sizes and contents match exactly. I tried using diff with -iab arguments but couldn't get exactly on which line or where is the difference. Is there a way to find out the lines exactly where they differ. I used the diff after sorting both the files. But no luck

You got no output and the files are slighlty different sizes. What does that tell you?
The differences in size are due to whitespace (tab & space probably).

If you have to see output, then lose the -b option.

I am not getting any differences with -b option